Former Cambodian born refugee Roger Ouk is a disrupter.
Admitted as a solicitor and barrister in Australia, New Zeal and and Hong Kong, his projects in fashion, art, technology and law have produced challenging interdisciplinary collaborations.
Notable projects include: ‘Fusion’ a collaboration between hip-hop musicians and Australian judges including at the time High Court of Australia Judge Michael Kirby AC CMG, short film Power & Promise for his eponymous fashion label Thyvane (his birth name) featuring Xue Tan – an artist and art critic – in collaboration with filming by artist Joao Vasco Paiva, drafting the Confidentiality Agreement for ‘A Social Contract’ by A Constructed World, a collaborative project by Australian Paris- based artists Geoff Lowe and Jacqueline Riva which was exhibited at Spring Workshop in Hong Kong in 2013, and directing Act V Scene III of Othello with Adva Weinstein and Patrice Naiambana (former Othello for the Royal Shakespeare Company) presented in 2014.
Roger has been a feature writer for Art Asia Pacific addressing issues in art and law. Topics covered include: 'A Contract for Critical Thought' (June 2014); 'Good Title, Good Sense' (October 2014) and 'What if God Exercised Copyright' (April 2016)
He is co-founder of tech start up Shwish, a gift registry for your life.
Synthesizing these passions, Roger founded Ouk + Digital a Multi Disciplinary Law practice to complement Ouk Legal Group. Prior to establishing the practice, he worked at DLA Piper and PwC
Photograph by Jason Capobianco for Mr Porter